
Hello and welcome to my blog! I am currently a student at Western Oregon University getting my Master of Arts in Teaching degree. I am student teaching in the Salem-Keizer School District and strongly believe the students are teaching me more than I am teaching them! I have fun everyday though and look forward to getting even more involved in education.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


I have had a good time filling out my page with fun and useful gadgets. Also, I have added pictures and information of myself. As far as gadgets are concerned I like being able to see tidbits of what those I am following have written. Also, I was pleased to add a news gadget just for fun. Although I don't really feel the need to add a bit of everything I am glad I feel comfortable finding and adding gadgets. If and when I want to add a video or poll in the future I easily can. For the time being I am comfortable with what I have so far.


  1. I like the photos! I'm still just playing with the gadget menus. Most of the stuff just seems as though it will clutter up the page.

  2. Hello Alyssa.
    I really like your blog. It is nice and simple and yet informative enough.
