
Hello and welcome to my blog! I am currently a student at Western Oregon University getting my Master of Arts in Teaching degree. I am student teaching in the Salem-Keizer School District and strongly believe the students are teaching me more than I am teaching them! I have fun everyday though and look forward to getting even more involved in education.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

            Although this is my first time blogging, I have been aware of it's uses in education for a while. My sister is a 3rd grade teacher in Arizona, and she keeps a blog for her classroom. Parents and students can follow along to see what has happened in her classroom and what is coming up next. Also her friends and family (like me) can take a peek at what she is up to down south. I think it is a great idea for a teacher to be connected to the web somehow through blogging or their own website; it is a current way to connect with families.
          I also found many articles and a few studies that outlined many of the uses of blogs in education today. Scott Huette of the Teaching Effectiveness Program mentioned in a 2006 article that many benefits come from students blogging themselves. It was recommended that the teacher model how to set up a blog but then many in depth assignments can use the blog. Blogging for students promotes a different type of thinking that they rarely get. It will promote associative and analogical thinking that is coveted in the work force today, but generally not taught in schools.
          Blogging can connect teachers and parents, teachers and students, teachers and teachers- really anyone who is interested in the workings of your school and the education system. It is a great way to bounce ideas off of other educators or those interested. A lot of the time education is criticized for being behind the curve as far as new technologies and methodologies go, and blogging is a great way to work on improving both of those areas.


  1. Hey Alyssa! I found your comment about using blogs to not only connect students and teachers but parents and teachers as well to be interesting. I hadn't thought of the parent and teacher connection with blogging. I currently have a kindergartener, and honestly I wish that I was more connected with her teacher. I would love it if she had a blog keeping us uptodate on what my daughter was doing in school and how her day went. It is hard to get that info out of a kindergartener sometimes.

  2. It's great to hear that some teachers are actually using blogs in their careers and that it doesn't mean connecting with students. There are so many great ideas that never get shared around the world, ideas that could help improve another teacher's teaching.

  3. Hi Alyssa,
    I love the idea of teachers maintaining a blog to connect with parents. Now, if I knew of any of my kids teachers utilizing blogs, I would read them with interest. What a great way to stay informed. What I love about the internet is how you can stay connected, or have a career for that matter with people all over! You can know people for years and never actually meet them! Some very amazing exchanges can take place that otherwise would never have happened. Good Post!
